The Lopping Times is our twice yearly journal where we write up some of the more interesting items discovered during our genealogical research.
The Lopping Times is our twice yearly journal where we write up some of the more interesting items discovered during our genealogical research.
It’s been a while since we blogged anything, however that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy researching. The family tree on the website continues to grow thanks to the efforts of our three researchers, Graham, Kim and Linda.
In one of my regular sweeps of the net for new information I’ve come across a couple of items that warrant review.
WFS Members can now download an exclusively produced e-book on Thomas Willingale and his involvement in the saving of Epping Forest.
Just a short note to say we have recently passed 10,000 names on the main family tree. Back in December 2002 at our first AGM we had a tree containing 539 names on display, so the tree has grown substantially over the past 10 years!
We are expecting delivery of our special 10th Anniversary Journal back from the printers shortly. This contains some of our best research work over the past 10 years.
Unfortunately the news from the Corporation of London is not encouraging. It seems that records kept over the past 100 years by the Essex Field Club and the Corporation are not able to prove 100% that the Axe on display at The View is the Willingale Billhook
It’s been a while since we last blogged so we have a few updates this time: The Willingale archive now numbers an impressive 1,500 items. We hope to start a new project looking at historic press articles shortly, now that the National Newspaper Library is available online.
This coming year sees the 10th anniversary of the Willingale Family Society. I’ve had a basic Willingale family tree on my personal site since at least 1998, but it was a post in my website guestbook by Keith Willingale on 16 December 2001 and a further post by Graham Richards on 12th January 2002 which […]
As we haven’t blogged for a while I thought I’d do a quick update on the latest research. Our main work over the last few months has been to review the censuses and fill in those census details missing from the family tree. This has helped us add a few more locations and occupations into […]
The latest edition of the Lopping Times, the society’s twice yearly journal has now been sent out to all members.