We are pleased that another Willingale has agreed to join the DNA Surname Project. Owen Willingale, who is a descendant of Thomas the Lopper, is from the ‘John’ branch of the main Willingale family tree. Hopefully we should have his results back in a couple of months. We are expecting the DNA results of another new member of the project, Thomas Paul Willingale, back from the lab shortly within a couple of weeks.
Thomas Paul Willingale is from the unconnected ‘Charles’ branch, the same branch as William Willingale, whose earlier results did not match my or Peter Leslie’s results. Thus, Thomas results should help confirm if the ‘Charles’ branch is distinct or whether it does link into the main connected Willingale line. Owens test should help confirm the base DNA profile of those people from the main Willingale family tree.
Thomas and Owen are the 5th & 6th participants in the project.